MG3 Hot Bar
How to …?
76609576EN-MG3-HB-V1_0a.docx 34/49
Copy, Save and Load Programs and Parameters
Copy programs and parameters
Go to screen COPY PROGRAMS via MENU – COPY.
Enter the number of the program you want to copy.
Enter the number of the target programs (first and last), where the source
program and its parameters shall be copied to.
Start the copy process.
Save all programs and parameters
You can choose between 4 different modes:
save all program parameters (PROG 1..99) and all global parameters
see above and additionally all reference and envelope waveforms
used only for internal diagnose
clear the internal memory
Select the wanted and click SAVE ALL.
A popup opens where you can set the name for the backup file.
Click OK to start the saving process.
Backup files have the file extension
Protocol files have the extension
Load programs and parameters
Click LOAD ALL, choose the file you want to upload and confirm with OK.