Configuring Device Security
Configuring Management Security
Page 46
Management Method
— Defines the management method for which the rule is defined. Users with this
access profile can access the device using the management method selected. The possible field values are:
— Assigns all management methods to the rule.
— Assigns Telnet access to the rule. If selected, users accessing the device using Telnet meeting
access profile criteria are permitted or denied access to the device.
Secure Telnet
(SSH) — Assigns SSH access to the rule. If selected, users accessing the device using
Telnet meeting access profile criteria are permitted or denied access to the device.
— Assigns HTTP access to the rule. If selected, users accessing the device using HTTP meeting
access profile criteria are permitted or denied access to the device.
Secure HTTP
(HTTPS) — Assigns HTTPS access to the rule. If selected, users accessing the device
using HTTPS meeting access profile criteria are permitted or denied access to the device.
— Assigns SNMP access to the rule. If selected, users accessing the device using SNMP
meeting access profile criteria are permitted or denied access to the device.
Source IP Address
— Defines the interface source IP address to which the rule applies.
Prefix Length
— Defines the number of bits that comprise the source IP address prefix, or the network mask
of the source IP address.
— Defines the action attached to the rule. The possible field values are:
— Permits access to the device.
— Denies access to the device. This is the default.
. The
Add Profile Rule Page
Figure 21: Add Profile Rule Page
In addition to the
Profile Rules Page
, the
Add Profile Rule Page
contains the following fields:
Supported IP Format
— Defines the supported Internet Protocol for which the rule is defined. The possible
field values are:
— Indicates that IPv4 is supported.