Span Your Valves
Chapter 9
Enable set-output by changing DYC01-B08 (B34/392) from 0 to 1.
This forces the QDC module to apply the values in DYC09-12
directly to its outputs 1-4, respectively.
Adjust the set-output value DYC09-12 (N40:121-124) that
corresponds to the selected ram (screw) pressure valve, and observe
actual pressure reported back in SYS26 (N40:178).
For a bi-directional valve with a spool offset:
If this pressure is greater than zero, adjust the set-output value to
the ram (screw) pressure valve to obtain zero pressure. Stop the
adjustments when you observe the smallest pressure attainable.
For a uni-directional valve with no response at low signal level:
If this pressure is zero, adjust the set-output value to the ram
(screw) pressure valve until the observed pressure just exceeds
zero. Then re-adjust this value until you just observe zero again.
For a uni-directional valve with a pressure actual greater than
zero but with zero output to the valve: This is lowest pressure.
Once satisfied that you obtained the lowest possible pressure or the
highest possible signal at zero pressure, copy the pressure observed in
SYS26 into INC41 (N44:37), the Minimum Pressure Control Limit.
While maintaining this minimum pressure, observe the actual
set-output value in SYS41-44, (N40:193-196) that corresponds to
your ram (screw) pressure valve. Copy this value into INC43
(N44:39), the Selected Pressure Valve, Output for Minimum.
Modify the value in DYC09-12 (N40:121-124) that corresponds to
the ram (screw) pressure valve in 5% steps while observing rising
pressure in SYS26 (N40:178). Stop adjusting it when the observed
pressure no longer increases with a change in the set-output value.
Now the pressure in SYS26 is the maximum obtainable pressure.
Copy the pressure observed in SYS26 (N40:178) into INC42
(N44:38), the Maximum Pressure Control Limit.
While maintaining this maximum pressure, observe the actual
set-output value in SYS41-44 (N40:193-196) that corresponds to your
ram (screw) pressure valve. Copy this value into INC44 (N44:40),
the Selected Pressure Valve, Output for Maximum.
Disable set-output operation. Toggle DYC01-B08 (B34/392) to 0.
Download your final values for INC41-44 to the QDC module by
downloading the INC and IPC blocks.