Load Initial Profile Values
Chapter 8
Time Setpoints
(IPC12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, and 48)
Use these words when configuring pressure vs.time profiles. Enter time in
seconds (1 second as 100). Each setpoint controls the time of its own
segment. You must use one less time setpoint than pressure setpoints.
We recorded 1 second (100) for these time setpoints on Worksheet 8-A.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values.
For additional information, refer to the Plastic Molding Module Reference
Manual (publication 1771-6.5.88).
Profile Offsets
(IPC51 and 52)
Profile offsets let you shift the amplitude of the entire injection profile up
or down, if necessary.
-IPC51 determines the offset for velocity profiles in inches (or mm) /sec.
-IPC52 determines the offset for pressure profiles in PSI or Bar.
We recorded zero (no offset) on Worksheet 8-A.
Pressure Limiting Setpoints
(IPC57, 58, and 59)
Use these words in a pressure-limited velocity vs. position profile.
-IPC57 determines the ram (screw) pressure limit for the pressure-
limited velocity vs. position profile. You enter this limit in PSI or Bar
-IPC58 determines the position at which the QDC module begins
pressure-limited control. A non-zero value measured from mold end
forces the QDC module NOT to apply pressure-limiting control until
the ram (screw) reaches this point. A zero entry forces the QDC
module to apply pressure limiting over the entire shot length.
-IPC59 determines the time delay in a pressure-limited velocity vs.
position profile that has exceeded the pressure limit during:
over-pressure before QDC module returns to a pressure-limit PID
over-velocity before QDC module returns to its VelFF algorithm
A non-zero value filters pressure spikes to avoid nuisance pressure
limiting during pressure-limited velocity vs. position profiles.
We recorded zero for these three setpoints on Worksheet 8-A.
The valve spanning procedures in chapter 9 require these initial values. We
help you select correct final values for your application in chapter 10. If
needed, see Plastic Molding Module Reference Manual (pub 1771-6.5.88).