Reference Guide AP6526 iss.3 37
(Channel and Mix)
The compressor provides a full set of traditional
controls and signal metering as you would find on a
top grade outboard processor. A self keyed side
chain filter may be switched in or out. Use the
controls or screen to set the threshold (a signal
meter displays under the control to help you set this
quickly), ratio (how much the signal is
compressed), and make-up gain (to compensate
for the lower output level after the signal is
compressed). Set the make-up gain so that the
average signal level is similar whether the
compressor is switched in or out. The Soft Knee
function changes (softens) the effect of the
compressor around the threshold point. The
dynamics may be manually adjusted using the
attack and release controls or set for Auto function
with a drop down menu to select the type of
compression required.
The screen provides a graphical view of how the
compressor has been set to respond. You can see
the point at which the compression starts and how
much the signal will be compressed by the
steepness of the slope. Below it is a histogram
which shows how the compressor has affected the
signal over a period of time.
You can store your compressor settings as user
libraries, and use the Surface edit keys with the
Processing Block or TouchScreen
keys to
quickly copy and reset settings.