AE–1800 Instruction Manual
Typical NAVTEX Message Screen
1. Typical NAVTEX Message Screen
continued – 4 /6
1.1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
continued – 4 /5
New Message Tag
This indication ( tag) shows that the currently displayed NAVTEX text is a new
message that you have not yet read or acknowledged.
To acknowledge it, simply press
, turning the tag off.
If two or more new messages have been left unread, the following caution message
will be displayed at the screen bottom, prompting you to read them. Press
again to display, or scroll the text up to, the next one by pressing
tag for the current message will be automatically removed 24
hours after its reception, if it is left unacknowledged (i.e. if
is not pressed).
NAVTEX Message
If message text exceeds the screen display area, you can scroll it line–by–line by
. Holding down either key accelerates the scroll.
To read other messages, press
( for message–by–message scrolling).
Holding down either key accelerates the scroll.
Type–D messages (SAR, piracy and armed robbery information) will be displayed
in red. A new type–D message will remain fixed on screen until:
it is acknowledged by pressing
or by means of a
software command
through an INS / IBS terminal interfaced to the rear panel
RS– 422
connector, or
another new type–D message is received.
See paragraph 7.4.5 for details.
Forced carriage return
When the number of characters in a line exceeds 40, an internally generated carriage return
symbol, shown above, will be automatically inserted in the 40th character position to divide the
last word, forcing the rest of the characters in the word to shift to the top of the next line. This
symbol will be replaced by an underscore ( _ )
(hex 5F )
when it is printed or output to an IBS/INS
device via the RS–422 port.
End–of–Message Indication
The appearance of these four successive
characters indicates the end of the
currently displayed NAVTEX message.
NOTE: Some messages including those from Chinese stations, end with NN (2 Ns)
instead of NNNN (4 Ns), in which case, the equipment will consider that the
transmission has not ended properly, and will not, therefore, display and store such a
message, or will append it to a new message, if received within a specified period of time,
and display the two messages combined. The RS–232C port (printer port) may be set to
output such messages. See paragraph 4.9 for setting instructions.
continued on next page