2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 32
not trivial. Unless you are a professional and have a solid H.265
workflow to process the files (and to deliver them so they playback in a
format for your target audience) we STRONGLY recommend you not use
it for everyday video sharing.
Using HDR option:
HDR (High Dynamic Range) is a great up and coming
imaging technique for video and photography where image files are
expanded to add more ‘bits’ to the color/grey scale. The images have
greater depth, nicer shadow detail and smoother contours. But like with
most new tech the adoptions early versions take time. On the 4k Cine we
support 10bit HDR10 and in this version the camera CPU needs to do a
significant level of processing to store the HDR image. It is not unusual
to see a delay in writing the image to the SD - i.e. “Processing……”
after an image is taken of ~6+ seconds. So be forewarned. We know that
is a drag and we are beating our engineers to make it better on our next
camera (they did their best on the 4k Cine!)
Formatting SD cards – 64 Gb and 128 Gb:
The AlcovePro 4k Cine
supports 64BG and 128GB cards, HOWEVER, those cards must be
formatted to FAT32 format before you put them in the camera. Most
manufacturers format 64BG and 128GB cards with EXFAT, which out of
the box will not work in the camera.