2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 28
G. From the YUTUPRO app you can do a number of things:
1. Control all of the settings of the camera
2. Start and stop recording or taking of photos
3. Send your videos and images to any app on the phone to email
or text or chat– VERY COOL!
4. See a live feed from the camera (nice!)
5. See all the videos and still images on the camera
6. View and playback those images and videos
7. Delete videos and photos
8. Change most significant settings for video and photos
H. The Remote Control (optional but fun to have)
If you are lucky and have the remote-control wristband, the
operation is pretty simple.
On the Camera, turn the remote ON in the Short Cut Mode
(swipe down QUICKLY) and then click on the Remote Icon.