2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 20
e. Format the SD card
f. Language
g. Time/Date setup
h. Date Stamp – On/Off
i. LDC – Lens Distortion Correction – With a 170° super wide-
angle lens there is a natural bit of distortion
(curvature/bending/fisheye). The camera can automatically reduce
that distortion with the onboard CPU of the camera, at the time of
picture taking. The setting is Off/On. Try it out first to see if you
like it.
j. Inversion Mode – flips the display upside down
k. Frequency – 50Hz or 60Hz – set to your home country – USA is
l. Scene – Scene setting will adjust the various parameters of the
camera to optimize them for the particular type of scene.
Personage – for People