2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 26
E. On your phone or tablet device open the WIFI menu for that
(Android: Settings/Wireless and Network/WLAN, Apple:
Settings/Wifi/Wifi_Network) - where you have the list of WIFI
connections the smartphone or tablet device can connect to. In these
settings, search for and connect to “4K Sport_xxxxx” using the
default password: 12345678
. After the connection is successful,
the camera screen will display “WIFI connection ready”.
F. After the success of the connection, and from the smartphone or
tablet, open the App "YUTUPRO" and select your specific device
(unless you have several AlcovePro Cine 4k cameras all set to the
same SSID it will be the only device displayed).