2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 25
C. Start the camera, click the settings icon
in the bottom right
corner of the display. Then in the menu displayed, click the newly
displayed settings icon
and then select the WIFI menu item.
The camera screen will display three WIFI menu choices:
- WIFI Information
- WIFI Password – default is “12345678”
- WIFI SSID – default is 4KSport_xxxxx
The default SSID is “4KSport_xxxxx” (the “xxxxx” part varies from
camera to camera
), the default password is “12345678”
both of
which can be changed in these menus. You have now set up the
WIFI, but the camera WIFI it is NOT TURNED ON YET.
D. ALERT! You must turn the WIFI for the camera ON! To do this
you need to access the Shortcut Screen Mode. Go to the main
camera display (just like when you turn it on) and QUICKLY swipe
down from the top of the display towards the bottom to expose a
menu with the WIFI icon
(and the remote control, screen lock
and shutdown icons). Slowly will not work. Quick!