2018 AlcovePro AlcovePro - 4k Cine Professional Action Camera v2.18 | Page : 19
d. >>>>>TimerPhoto - Self timer 1sec, 3sec, 5sec,10sec
e. Ex/- EV settings: -2 t2
f. ISO – Auto as well as 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 ASA
g. Auto White Balance (AWB) – Auto, Daylight, Cloudy,
Tungsten, Flour_L, Flour_H
h. Metering modes: Center, Average, Spot
i. HDR (High Dynamic Range) On/Off (see Special Notes below)
D. Additionally, for the
icon, you can set:
a. Auto Dormant (shut off the screen, delay) Off
(never)/1min/3min/5min – CAUTION: the camera is not off, just
the screen, it is still consuming power.
b. Start Action – select what mode the camera runs when it is started
c. WIFI – the basic setup for WIFI – (but NOT where you turn it
on – to turn on you need to quickly swipe down the main display
when in photo/video mode and click on the WIFI
symbol –
see #11 Shortcut Screen Mode below)
d. Factory Reset