Departement of international trade:
ground signals on the ST channel, without affecting the signal on the
RT channel in VDI sectors less than +87.
When you set the GS filter to Off in DP mode, unlike other search
modes, the filter is turned off completely through both sounding chan-
nels. When setting any other value, it works on both channels (RT and
ST), regardless of the set value.
It should be remembered that an excessive increase in the value of the
iltration level increases the comfort of the search, but can lead to losing of
large and highly conductive targets made of non-ferrous metals.
The value of the filtering level should be selected experimentally for
each specific search condition. In this case, it is desirable to keep it as
low as possible for a comfortable search.
The GS zone
, or “
soil mineralization gap
”, is the zone of completely dis-
abling false ground signals through both ST and RT channels,
filtering for possible target signals and signals from the soil.
Adjustment of the GS zone is carried out in the range from 00 to 80 in
increments of
degrees, similar to the GS Filter. For example, to set
the GS Zone to exclude all signals in the s/- 89.88.87, you need
to set its value = 12.
However, it is better to choose a setting according to the situation, grad-
ually increasing the value of the GS Zone to the minimum comfortable
operation of the device on this soil.
The GS zone can work both separately and together with the filter of
false signals of the soil, complementing it in particularly difficult soil
conditions, when the filter does not cope with the selective suppression
of false signals from the soil.
Filter T [01..22]
(works only in the DP mode) is used to cut off “short”
signals. With an increase in the value of this filter, the sensitivity of the
device to electromagnetic interference, shakes and signals of small tar-
gets decreases. This allows you to focus on searching for large items.
The default value is suitable for looking for targets starting with a tin