Departement of international trade:
Using the search mode “all metal “as opposed to “discrimination” mode
you can detect any metal objects whether they be ferrous or non-ferrous.
Which mode is best to use is a personal preference.
However, it should be noted that searching in the discrimination setup
can miss some of the weaker signals from good targets. This is due to the
effect of the soil on the vector signal of the target and causes the signal to
go beyond the search vector boundary.
The disadvantages of the “all metal “mode can include difficulty working
in trashy areas due to the extreme amount of signals and sounds re-
Since the sector boundaries in the “all metal” mode are fully open, it may
be full of signals from so called “hot rocks”. The detector will issue high-
pitched signals from these objects. This is useful for finding stones of
meteorite origin. Identifying these “hot rocks” can be done by noting the
high ratings from the VDI (+86) and the stretching of the signal.
The combination of the sound of the ST and RT channels for such stones
is similar to “pulling and releasing the elastic” according to the figurative
description of experienced operators.
This will act much the same as “all metal” accept with the elimination
of the “hot rocks”. You may also use the algorithm suppression “Disc. of
Hot rocks “(see next). But remember that turning on this algorithm for
the sake of comfort can lead to missing some useful targets.
Dynamic mode is the main mode of operation of the detector. It is
characterized in that the processor constantly adjusts to relatively slow
changes in ground conditions.
Therefore, in this mode, the instrument responds to the desired objects
only when moving the coil. If the coil is stationary over an object, then
after a while the sound will disappear. This is the primary mode your
detector is in every time you turn it on.
Static mode is used as an additional and serves mainly to clarify the loca-
tion of the found object (Pinpoint). Unlike dynamic mode there is no