Appendix F
Cable Loss Compensation for E5023A
Since the cable loss is not negligible in the high bit rate measurement, E5023A
compensates the cable loss.
The cable loss factor is stored in the PC. It is a typical value which is determined from the
standard cables furnished with E5023A. Generally, user does not care about this since it is
installed at the factory shipment. When you upgrade the E5022A to the E5023A and
replace the PC with one does not have the value, you have to install this value.
Installation of the Compensation Factor
Execute the program named “caltool.exe” in order to install the calibration loss factor into
the PC. You can download it from the website of “Service & Support” at the URL
1. Execute the “caltool.exe” program on the PC.
2. The Figure F-1 is displayed. The current stored value is displayed in the text box.
Figure F-1
Caltool Dialogue
3. Input the value for the cable compensation in the text box, then click on the [store]
button. The value of the provided cables for E5023A is -0.00004041.
4. The [Import] and [Export] buttons allow you to store the value into a file.
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