53210A/53220A/53230A Option Installation
53210A/53220A/53230A Option Installation
2. If installed, temporarily move the Option 300 internal battery as
described under “
Moving the Internal Battery (Option 300)
” at the
beginning of this document.
3. Assemble the parts in the Option 106 package as follows (Figure 23):
Position the A3 PC board over the aluminum bracket so that the
SMA edge connector is pointed toward the front flange (without the
hole) and sits on top of the standoffs.
Install the 4 (Option 106) T10 TORX screws to secure the PC board
to the aluminum deck.
Figure 23. 53220A/53230A Channel 3 Rear Panel Option 106/203.
Channel 3 Rear Panel Installation Procedure (53220A/53230A)
1. Install the Channel 3 assembly assembly as follows:
2. Remove the T20 TORX screw at the rear of the motherboard.
3. Connect one end of the supplied 40- pin ribbon cable to J900 on the