Gather the cowl and the provided exit air cut-
out templates as shown below.
2. Place the exit air cutout templates along the bot-
tom of the cowl as shown. Align templates with
the rear edge of the cowl and tape in place. Use
a felt tip pen to trace the cutout openings onto
the cowl as shown.
Pay close attention to the marker you
choose. Some permanent markers may not
be easily removed. Also, When using
rubbing alcohols or other paint removers,
always test on painted parts before using!
Holes in template are not centered front to
back. There is a wider and thinner section.
Wider section goes toward rear of cowling.
Use a rotary cutting tool, file, and sandpaper to
cut out and smooth the edges of the cooling
openings in the bottom of the cowl as shown.
Take care not to cut or scratch cowl.
Cooling air exit holes cut into bottom of cowl.
We have found this to provide adequate
cooling. Depending on your engine, you may
need to allow for more exit air cooling for
your engine to run at its recommended operat-
ing temperature.
Always check the operating temperature of
your engine to prevent any damage from
occurring. Aeroworks is not responsible for
damages incurred from improper engine