Version V1.0
9-99 MTN
All Contents © Copyright 1999
The Wattage Whisper is a 2-meter electric powered glider utilizing all balsa and plywood built up
construction techniques. The polyhedral wing design is a flat bottom, Phillips Entry style that is incredibly
stable throughout the entire flight envelope and produces good lift. The wing is built of true D-Tube
construction with balsa sheeting and shear webbing for great strength. The fuselage is built up light
plywood and balsa and the tail feathers are built up of lightweight balsa. Lightening holes have been
strategically placed to remove unnecessary weight without compromising strength. All this adds up to
an airplane that climbs out with authority and will also do well in the thermals. Included is a 540 direct
drive electric motor with folding propeller assembly and all wiring preinstalled at the factory. All necessary
hardware is included to finish the kit, including clevises, pushrods, control horns and all of the necessary
nuts and bolts, even a molded cowling and canopy! We hope you will enjoy building and flying the
Whisper as much as we have enjoyed designing it for you. Please fill out the Product Evaluation Sheet
at the end of this manual. We would love to hear your comments regarding the Whisper.
Instructions for Final Assembly