Spatial FOG Dual ETH
Supplementary Reference Manual
Page 20 of 29
Version 1.2
The GPIO and Auxiliary Ports
In addition to the Primary port, Spatial FOG Dual ETH contains two general purpose input output
ports (GPIO1 and GPIO2) and an Auxiliary port. These ports are multi function and can be used to
extend Spatial FOG Dual with additional peripherals, sensors and data formats.
The GPIO port functions and Auxiliary port functions available are listed in section 12.4. The
function of a GPIO port or the Auxiliary port can be changed at any time using the GPIO
Configuration dialogue in Spatial FOG Manager (see section 11.8.6) or the GPIO Configuration
Packet #188.
GPIO Pins Voltage Level
GPIO1 and GPIO2 function at RS422 levels.
GNSS Receiver Port
The GNSS Receiver port is not directly accessible. Access is via the GNSS Receiver Passthrough
function on the Auxiliary port.