Product Overview
The Thyro-PX is a communication-enabled SCR thyristor power controller. The
Thyro-PX power controller can be installed where voltages, currents, or power have
to be controlled precisely in 1-phase or 3-phase networks. Several modes of operation
and control, good coupling ability to process and automation technology, high control
precision by application of a 32 bit processor, and simple handling ensure that the
Thyro-PX power controller is also suitable for new applications.
The Thyro-PX power controller offers the following ways for mains load
• The optional digital mains load optimization of dASM ensures that multiple
power controller applications can be used in an optimal way for the network so
that system perturbations are mainly avoided.
• For applications which have to use phase angle firing due to required high
dynamic, the voltage sequence control (VSC) mode offers to significantly
minimize harmonics by its VSC technology.
The Thyro-PX power controller is suitable in particular for the following:
• Direct supply of resistive loads
• Loads with large R
• Serving as primary power controller for a transformer with subsequent load
Due to use of high quality thyristors, the Thyro-PX power controller has a type range
up to 2900 A, and the nominal design loads reach up to ~ 2860 kW.
The Thyro-PX unit offers several features for improved handling and operation:
• Ease of use
◦ Thyro-Touch display (optional)
◦ Thyro-Tool Pro PC computer user interface (optional)
• Wide application range
◦ 230 V to 690 V mains voltage
◦ 1-phase, 2-phase, and 3-phase units
Thyro-PX® Power Controller
Product Overview