Transport LED Indicators
Indicator Function
Off - If modulator is installed, an off led indicates that no video is detected on
the selected input or that ASI Receive mode is enabled.
On - Video is detected on the selected input.
Blink - No video is detected and fault mode is active.
Off - Device is not encoding. Idle State
On - Device is encoding.
Off - Low, Normal, or Long Latency
On - 3 Frame, 2 Frame, or 1 Frame Latency (Requires Adtec RD-7x Decoder)
Off - Encoding chroma type 4:2:0.
On - Encoding chroma type 4:2:2.
Off - ASI Remux is disabled
On - ASI Remux is enabled
IP Out
Off - Transport stream over IP via IP1 or IP2 is inactive.
On - Transport stream over IP via IP1 or IP2 is active.
RF Out
Off - Modulator is not transmitting.
On - Modulator is transmitting.
Blink - Modulator is running in test mode (pure carrier).
Note: Making changes to specific modulator parameters can cause the
modulator to stop transmitting and you will need to re-enable it. This is by
design to prevent transmission with an incorrect power setting.
Off - Over The Top RTMP transmission not enabled
On - Over The Top RTMP transmission enabled
Audio Encode Indicators
A1 through
Off - Audio encoder configuration is set to off.
On - Audio encoder configuration is set to encode or passthru.
Note: This product offers optional extended audio encoding of the upper
four pairs. If you experience issues engaging the upper pairs, check your
feature keys first.