PMT must be modified. A wiring diagram and sample PMT view can be seen in the drawing
In the example above, a raw PID was sent into the system with no program association. The
EN modified the main program PMT, Program 1, to add an additional DVB Subtitle PID entry.
As EN encoders do not perform PID conflict resolution at this time, the PID’s inserted into the
system should not conflict with other PID’s utilized by the EN-31.
To configure ASI Passthrough of DVB subtitles, visit the Manual PIDs tab. This tab contains
PMT template entries that will be used to insert into the PMT.
The user will need to know:
● The PID number of which they would like to pass. This can be entered into the
Hexadecimal or Decimal fields.
● The Stream Type identifier of the PID that will be written into the PMT. This can be
entered in decimal only.
● The Descriptor of the PID that will be written into the PMT. This field is entered as
hexadecimal pairs where each pair represents a byte field. Up to 32 pairs (64
characters) can be entered.