Use: Transport Stream output. Physical interface 150Mbit/s. ASI concurrent with TSoIP (GigE) and
RF Tx (DVBS/S2).
Standard: ISO13818-1 MPEG 2 Transport Stream per EN 50083-9:1997 (188 byte only)
Connector: Three BNC (75 Ohm)
GigE Transport Over IP (TSoIP)
Use: Transport Stream Output, but may also be used for control. Four (4) unique TCP, UDP, or RTP
(RFC 3550) encapsulated routes with SMPTE 2022 (COP3 FEC). TSoIP (GigE) concurrent with ASI and
RF Tx (DVBS/S2).
Standard: MPEG 2 RTP v2 transport ( RFC 3550 )
Output Rates: 1 - 150Mbps (188 byte DVB packet size, 7 per IP packet)*
Standard: MPEG 2 UDP transport
Output Rates: 1 - 150Mbps (188 byte DVB packet size, 7 per IP packet)*
Standard: RTP SMPTE 2022-1 2007 FEC
Output Rates: 1 - 50Mbps (188 byte DVB packet size, 7 per IP packet)*
Standard: TCP Transport
Output Rates: 1 - 25Mbps (188 byte DVB packet size, 7 per IP packet)*
Connection speed: GigE ( 100/1000BaseT )**
*Overall egress supported bandwidth decreases when using multiple TSoIP streams. The sum of all
UDP/RTP streams must fall within the IP supported limit of 150Mb/s. TCP does not support high
throughput at this time.
**The user has the ability to transmit IP streams via the IP1 or IP2 port.
Connector: 8 pin RJ45
COM2 Serial Port
Use: API Serial Communication Interface
Default Baud Configuration: 38,400 bps 8 data bits 1 stop bit no parity
Connector: 8 pin RJ45 (supplied with DB9 to RJ45 adapter)
COM1 Serial Port
Use: Serial Port Used for Troubleshooting (Terminal)
Baud Configuration: 115,200 bps 8 data bits 1 stop bit no parity
Connector: 8 pin RJ45 (supplied with DB9 to RJ45 adapter)
Ethernet Port
Use: ethernet port used for network control, but can be used for TSoIP
Format: IPv4 Ethernet 10/100BaseT
Communication Methods: SNMP, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, TSoIP
Connector: 8 pin RJ45
Parallel Port
Use: GPIO DB9 parallel port used for custom triggering / integration