How to Use ASI-Receive Mode
The Adtec EN-Series with optional integrated modulator has been designed with
different applications in mind. The encoder / modulator combo supports three different
modes of operation.
1) They can be used together.
2) The modulator only can be used as a stand alone device
3) The encoder only can be used as a stand alone device.
The default mode of operation has the ‘ASI Receive Mode’ configuration turned OFF.
In this mode, the SDI input serves as the primary SD/HD-SDI video input into the encoder.
The encoder processes the video/audio/ancillary data and places the compressed data into a
transport stream. The transport stream is fed concurrently to the ASI output module, IP
output module, and internal modulator input. The ASI output will always be enabled, while
IP and RF outputs have individual controls.
The second mode of operation has the ‘ASI Receive Mode’ configuration turned ON.
In this mode, the SDI input is changed to an ASI input. This can be useful in situations
where the encoder may not meet specific requirements for a job without losing up to
32APSK optional modulation capabilities. The ASI input is routed directly to the ASI output
module and to the internal modulator input. All internal paths to and from the encoder
module are terminated in this mode with encode functionality disabled. The modulator will
be acting as a stand alone device with 3 ASI outputs available for pre-modulation
monitoring capability. In this mode, the modulator interface rate must also match the ASI
rate coming into the encoder for proper RF modulation. There is no reporting of the ASI
input data rate or rate adaptation supported at this time. There is no null packet insertion
or null packet dropping support at this time. The ASI input rate must be configured /
viewed from the device feeding the EN unit. The third mode can be used by DISABLING
modulator transmit.
To enable your Adtec EN-series device for ASI Receive Mode, follow the following steps:
Step Action
On the rear panel of the device, connect your ASI cable to the "ASI-IN" BNC
This is a shared connector; it also functions as the SDI-In connector.
Access the Web UI for your unit.
On the "Video" tab, select <On> as the option for "ASI Receive Mode".
This routes the ASI signal to the unit's internal modulator.
On the Status Display on the LCD Panel (unit front panel), "ASI Receive/Passthru"
should be shown.