GB 03432 - Edition 02 - 03 - October 09
ACS 2000 Single-channel controller
The ACS 2000 is a single-channel controller designed to work with the
following gauges:
- PIRANI gauge: AP 2004 - APN 2004
- Combined PIRANI/Cold cathode gauge: ACC 2009
- Combined CRYSTAL/Hot cathode gauge: AHC 2010
- Capacitive gauges: ASD 200X series, ARD 200X series
Dear customer,
You have just acquired an
Adixen ACS 2000 controller.
We thank you for your
purchase and are proud to
be able to count you among
our customers.
Alcatel Vacuum Technology
has acquired a wast wealth
of experience in the design
of controllers over the year.
To guarantee optimum
performance and full
satisfaction in using this
equipment, please take the
necessary time to become
familiar with this manual
before carrying out any
operation, especially the
section covering installation
and commissioning,
before installing or operating
this controller.