Electronic Devices S.r.l.
User Manual
RS485 / RS232 / Ethernet
Document code: MN67038_ENG Revision 2.003 Page 30 of 42
The means of the fields for “RS232/RS485/RS422” are:
The field “
Enable Serial
” is used for selecting if the serial is used (field checked) or not (field unchecked). For the codes with only
one serial, this field isn’t editable (it is always checked); for the codes with two serials, at least one of the two must be checked.
In the field “
” the port used to communicate with converter using UDP protocol is defined. The port of second serial must be
different from the first one;
In the field “
Socket Disconnect TimeOut (Seconds)
” a time in seconds is defined. If no data pass through the socket for the
seconds defined, the socket disconnects.
In the field “
” the data rate of the serial line in use is defined;
In the field “
” the parity of the serial line in use is defined;
In the field “
Data Bits
” the number of data bits used for the serial line communication is defined;
In the field “
Stop Bit
” the number of Stop bits used for the serial line communication is defined;
In the field “
Data Packing
” the serial to Ethernet conversion’s method is defined:
Default: standard way defined in the firmware;
Length: defined number of bytes in the field on the right;
Timeout: after a defined time with no communication in the field on the right;
Delimiter: after a specific char defined in the field on the right.
For adding a new slave in the section “SLAVES LIST”, it is necessary to press the “
Add Slave
” button. After that it is possible to select the
new slave from the list and modify the values.
For deleting a slave present in the “SLAVES LIST”, it is necessary to select the desired slave and press the “
Remove Slave
” button.
In the case of the MASTER, the packets are sent in broadcast.