L860 Elevated Low-Intensity Edge Light
2008 Siemens Airfield Solutions
All rights reserved
Issued 6/08
1. All items in the Glassware Assembly are replaceable. ADB
recommends that if the glass is broken replace o-ring seal along
with the new glassware. If the o-ring seal is leaking replace it
with a new o-ring.
2. Remove the Glassware Assembly by unscrewing the assembly
from the body. Remove the two socket button head screws from
the locking ring and then remove the Lens Attachment Ring by
slipping it up and off of the glassware.
If glassware is broken or cracked discard and install new
glassware. When installing new glassware also replace the o-
ring seal at the same time.
After the o-ring has been installed on the top of the Locking Ring,
place glassware on top of the o-ring and then slip the Lens
Attachment Ring, with the beveled edge of the hole over the
Align the holes in the attachment ring with the mating tapped
holes in the lock ring and insert the two button head screws.
Tighten the two screws
to prevent glassware from
breaking. Torque the two screws to 25 in-lbs +/- 5.
6. The assembly is now ready to be reinstalled onto the fixture body.
5. Glassware and O-Ring
Seal Replacement