Interface between transfusion
alarm device and extension
Transfusion alarm device
Both transfusion
blood bottle and
bag apply
3. Connection between the transfusion alarm device, transfusion tube and extension
4. Connection between list and mainframe
Directly insert the nine-core wire of the list into the port of that for the mainframe.
5. Connection between the door lamp and extension(take the extensions inside the same ward
as an example)
1. Connect the red and black wires of the door lamp onto the red and black wires of the extension according to the
2. Generally speaking, it is installed on the ward door. When the extension makes a call, the door lamp flashes to
remind nursing personnel.
Red wire
Black wire
Red and black wires
Extension 1
Lower part of transfusion tube
List of patients
Red and black wires
Red and black wires
Extension 2
Extension N