12 Introduction
How to find the necessary information in this guide
Acronis TrueImage Deluxe user
s guide contains the following main chapters:
1. «Installing and Starting Work with Acronis TrueImage Deluxe» - this
describes how to install, run, and remove the software;
2. «Creating a disk/partition image on a hard disk» - this describes how to
store an exact disk/partition image on a hard disk or removable media;
3. «Restoring a disk/partition from an image» - this describes how to
restore partitions with an image stored in an archive file, and how to
restore separate partition files;
Appendix A. «General Information. Hard Disks» - this describes the
construction of hard disks, installation into a PC, disk file structures, and
interaction with an operating system;
Appendix B. «Glossary» - contain a dictionary of technical terms to help
you to better understand this Guide.
Designation Meaning
Courier New font
Strings displayed or entered by a user.
Enumeration item.
Press a button
A procedure step performed by a user.
Information we recommend you pay very
close attention to.
Operation selection
Dialog boxes and their element names.
Button and key names.