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Advanced settings:
To specify Advanced scheduling settings (p. 159), click
in the
Advanced settings
At all times, a backup is not deleted until all backups that directly depend on it become subject to deletion as
well. This is why you might see a weekly or a monthly backup remain in the archive for a few days past its
expected expiration date.
If the schedule starts with a daily or a weekly backup, a full backup is created instead.
Each day of the past week, each week of the past month
Let us consider a GFS backup scheme that many may find useful.
Back up files every day, including weekends
Be able to recover files as of any date over the past seven days
Have access to weekly backups of the past month
Keep monthly backups indefinitely.
Backup scheme parameters can then be set up as follows.
Start backup at:
11:00 PM
Back up on:
All days
(for example)
Keep backups:
1 week
1 month
As a result, an archive of daily, weekly, and monthly backups will be created. Daily backups will be
available for seven days since creation. For instance, a daily backup of Sunday, January 1, will be
available through next Sunday, January 8; the first weekly backup, the one of Saturday, January 7,
will be stored on the system until February 7. Monthly backups will never be deleted.
Limited storage
If you do not want to arrange a vast amount of space to store a huge archive, you may set up a GFS
scheme so as to make your backups more short-lived, at the same time ensuring that your
information can be recovered in case of an accidental data loss.
Suppose that you need to:
Perform backups at the end of each working day
Be able to recover an accidentally deleted or inadvertently modified file if this has been
discovered relatively quickly
Have access to a weekly backup for 10 days after it was created
Keep monthly backups for half a year.
Backup scheme parameters can then be set up as follows.
Start backup at:
6:00 PM
Back up on:
Keep backups: