IP482 Industrial I/O Pack User’s Manual Counter Timer Module
Acromag, Inc. Tel:248-295-0310 Fax:248-624-9234 Email:[email protected] http://www.acromag.com
One-Shot Pulse Mode
One-Shot pulse mode provides an output pulse that is asserted one time
or repeated each time it is re-triggered. One-Shot generation is selected by
setting Counter Control Register bits 2 to 0 to logic “111”.
The Counter Constant A value controls the time until the pulse goes
active. The duration of the pulse high or low is set via the Counter Constant
B value. Note that the Constant B value defines the logic high pulse width, if
active high output is selected, and a low pulse if active low output is
The counter goes through a full countdown sequence for each Counter
Constant value. When the 0 count is detected, on the next rising-edge of
the clock, the output toggles to the opposite state, and the Counter Constant
B value is loaded into the counter and countdown resumes, decrementing
by one each clock cycle. For example, a counter constant value of 7 will
provide a pulse duration of 7 clock cycles of the selected clock, then 125ns
will be added for the count detection of 0. Note that this extra delay is only
31.25ns for 32MHz carrier operation.
InA can be used as a Gate-Off signal to stop and start the counter and,
thus output. When InA is enabled via bits 5 and 4 of the control register for
active low Gate-Off input, a logic low input will enable the one-shot counter
while a logic high will stop the one-shot counter. When InA is enabled for
active high Gate-Off operation, a logic high will enable the one-shot counter
while a logic low will stop the one-shot counter.
InB can be used to input an external clock for use in one-shot. Bits 7
and 6 must be set to ei
ther logic “01” or “10”. Additionally, the clock source
bits 12, 11, and 10 must be set to logic “101” to enable external clock input.
One-Shot pulse mode can alternatively be internally clocked via control
register bits 12, 11, and 10. Available frequencies vary depending on carrier
operational frequency.
InC can be used to externally trigger One-Shot pulse mode. Additionally,
a one-shot pulse can be triggered internally via the Counter Trigger Register
at the base a offset 04H. An initial trigger, software or external,
causes the one-shot signal to be generated with no additional triggers
required. Additional triggers must not be input until the one shot pulse has
completed count down of the Constant B value.
If the Interrupt Enable bit-15 of the Counter Control Register is set, an
interrupt is generated when the pulse transitions from low to high and also
when the pulse transitions from high to low. The interrupt will remain
pending until released by setting the required bit of the Interrupt
register at the base a offset 02H. A pending interrupt
can also be cleared, by setting the Counter Control register bit-15 to logic