Microprocessor Controller for DOAS
rTu p
This screen only appears if the selected BMS protocol is set to Modbus. Factory
settings are shown in the screen to the left.
To change Modbus RTU parameters:
1. Go to Network Settings menu and view Modbus RTU Config screen.
2. Move cursor to desired parameter by pressing the enter button. Press up and
down arrows to adjust the parameter. Press enter to accept adjusted value.
3. Once desired parameters have been entered, enable the ‘Save Settings’
option and press the enter button.
4. Reboot the controller by cycling power to the unit. Allow several minutes for
the controller to initialize.
bms w
The BMS watchdog function verifies BMS connectivity. The watchdog is required
for the BMS to take the place of a hardwired sensor. The BMS toggles the
watchdog variable from true to false within the timeout delay. If the timer expires,
the controller falls back to hardwired sensors until the BMS connection can be
established. At this time, a BMS watchdog alarm activates.
The following variables may be used by the BMS in place of hardwired sensors:
• Outside_RH_from_BMS
• Outside_Temp_from_BMS
• Return_RH_from_BMS
• Return_Temp_from_BMS
• Space_1_CO2_from_BMS
• Return_CO2_from_BMS
• Space_RH_from_BMS
• Space_Static_from_BMS
• Space_Temp_from_BMS
The sensor source can be changed to source by BMS through the controller or by
a dedicated BMS point. Reference Points List above and in the Appendix for more
detailed point information. Screen to the left is an example of the sensor source
type. Source can be set for local or BMS at this screen.
The Backup/Restore Menus allows the user to create a backup file of set points
and configuration variables on a USB drive or in the controller’s internal memory.
Control Variables
USB Type B
USB Type A
Connecting to USB Drives
The controller has built-in USB ports for connecting to USB drives. The USB
drives can be used for backing up all settings and reported conditions such as
alarm history and current values. This creates a file named User_Backup.txt. The
controller will either have a USB Type A, USB Type B or Micro USB dependent on