Microprocessor Controller for DOAS
Web User Interface
The Web User Interface allows access to the unit controller through the building network. Reference Ctrl Variables/
Advanced/Network Settings to set the IP network protocol. Once proper communication is established, the user
can click on the follow tabs:
– Includes a functioning unit graphic, monitoring points, and active set point adjustment.
– Shows current and cleared alarms.
– User can view past and present controller points.
– Provides manufacturer support information as well as IOM resources.
– User must be logged with service access criteria (9998). Once proper login is established, the user can
view configured input/output points associated with the unit controller
Pop-Up Tools
Live Trend
- User can see current values from the controller. The list of variables available is preselected based on
the configuration of the unit.
Unit Display
- Mimics the unit controller display. Allows the user full access to the controller without having to
physically be at the unit.
Dewpoint Calculator
- A calculator with three sliders to determine the dew point, temperature, or humidity. Two of
the three values are necessary to get the third.
Upgrade Application
- A new application program can be loaded to the controller via the WebUI.
Unit Display
Web User Interface
Web User Interface
Logged in with Service, red boxes will appear after logging in.