Instruction format:
>99 WS 109:1,1,2,20,1:XX
Type of object
0 = not circuit breaker
1 = circuit breaker
Output code
0 = object is not controlled
20…31 = code of the OPEN or CLOSE output
Input channel number
Channels 1…7
Defines the vertical/horizontal position of open/closed
0 = vertical LEDs indicate open status (horizontal LEDs
indicate closed status)
1 = vertical LEDs indicate closed status (horizontal LEDs
indicate open status)
Specifies the use of the object indicator unit
0 = not used
1 = used
Code number of object indicator unit
Write Setting
Data communication address
Default value 99
Example 1:
Indicator 109 (parameter S109) indicates the
status read via input channel 2. Output 20 is
used to open the object and, consequently,
output 21 must be used to close the same object.
The object is a circuit breaker and closed status
is indicated by vertical red LEDs.
Syntax rules for configuring the control module
1. The configuration work has to be done in the
setting mode.
2. Up to seven objects can be configured (seven
settings in the range of S101…S116)
3. Only the input channel numbers 1…7 are
accepted. Any number can be used only once.
4. If no object indicator is used, no other values
need to be given.
5. The output code numbers 20 …31 can be
given only once. If the output code number
is 0, the definition of the object (i.e. CB/other
object) need not to be given.
6. Only two objects can be defined as circuit
Normally, the control module is in the opera-
tion mode, which means that the interlocking
program is in use. The configuration of the
control module is made in the setting mode
When parameter S100 is 0, the configuration is
freely selectable. For a freely selectable configu-
ration, only those objects, which are to be used,
need to be set.