The leftmost digit of the display shows the
address of the register and the three rightmost
digits the recorded information. The address
digit is recognized by its red colour.
Register/ Recorded information
Maximum phase current measured as a multiple of the rated current of the protection
relay. If the module operates, the current value at the moment of operation is stored
in the memory. A new tripping erases the old value and updates the register with the
new value. The same thing happens if the current exceeds a previously registered
maximum value.
In the 1.st submenu the current value measured at the last operation is recorded.
Number of startings of the low-set overcurrent stage I>, n (I>) = 0...255.
Number of startings of the high-set overcurrent stage I>>, n (I>>) = 0...255.
Duration of the latest starting situation of stage I> as a percentage of the set operation
time t> or at IDMT mode of operation the calculated operation time. A new starting
resets the counter which thus always contains the value from the latest starting. When
the stage has operated, the counter reading is 100.
Duration of the latest starting situation of stage I>> as a percentage of the set operating
time t>>. A new starting resets the counter which thus always contains the value from
the latest starting. When the stage has operated, the counter reading is 100.
Display of blocking signals and other external control signals. The leftmost digit
indicates the state of the blocking inputs of the module. The following states may be
0 = no incoming blockings
1 = operation of stage I> blocked
2 = operation of stage I>> blocked
3 = operation of both stages blocked
In this register the middle green digit of the display is always zero. The leftmost green
digit indicates the state of the remote reset input, if any. The following states may
be indicated:
0 = remote reset control input not energized
1 = remote reset control input energized
From this register it is possible to move on to the TEST mode, where the start and
operation signals of the module can be activated one by one. For further details see
the description "General characteristics of C-type relay modules".