COM parameter
Hardware options
Serial mode
0 = RS485 2wire
For galvanic modes. RS-type depends
on the communication card used.
Note that this setting parameter is
relevant only if
Fiber mode is set to No
1 = RS485 4wire
2 = RS232 no handshake
3 = RS232 with handshake
CTS Delay
0…60000 [ms]
RS232 mode only
RTS Delay
0…60000 [ms]
RS232 mode only
1 = 300
All modes
2 = 600
3 = 1200
4 = 2400
5 = 4800
6 = 9600
7 = 19200
8 = 38400
9 = 57600
10 = 115200 [bits/sec]
1) When fiber mode is used, the
Serial mode parameter value must be RS485 2wire.
In addition to setting the COM parameter, a communication card with
many hardware options may also require changing the jumpers on the
communication card.
Connection of a serial communication protocol to a specific serial port
The serial communication protocol (instance) settings include a setting parameter
Serial port n
(n = protocol instance number). Setting options for this parameter
and so on. Select the desired serial port for the protocol instance
through this parameter.
All link setting parameters are not found in the COMn settings.
Additional link setting parameters are found in the setting parameter
list of the used serial protocol, since some serial protocol standards
allow changes in link parameters, while other protocol standards do
Serial link diagnostics and monitoring
Serial communication diagnostics and monitoring is divided between the serial link
driver and the serial communication protocol. The lower level physical and protocol-
independent aspects of the UART-based serial communication are monitored in the
1MRS756708 A
Section 8
615 series
Operation Manual