Commissioning via Web User Interface
Commissioning could be carried out via wireless connection to the inverter’s Web User Interface. Initial setup of the system must
therefore be carried out via a tablet, notebook or smartphone with a wireless connection.
• Close the DC disconnect switches
to supply the inverter with input voltage from the photovoltaic generator. In the pre-com-
missioning phase the “Alarm” LED keeps quickly flashing, “Power” and “GFI” LEDs are OFF.
• Once powered, the inverter will automatically create a wireless network (approx. 60 seconds after switching-on).
• Enable the wireless connection on the device which is being used for the board setup (tablet,
smartphone or PC) and connect it to the Access Point created by the inverter system: the
name of the wireless network created by the system that the connection should be estab-
lished with, will be: ABB-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX
where “X” is a hex digit of the wireless MAC address
(MAC address can be found on the
“Communication Identification Label” placed on the side of the inverter).
• When required enter the PRODUCT KEY
(printed on the “Communication Identification la-
bel” and applied during the commissioning phase to the plant documentation) as access
point password (Note that it’s required to digit also the dash “-” characters of the Product Key
in the password field).
Mac Address:
PK: 0000 - 0000 - 0000- 0000
Remove and apply on the plant documentation
• Open an internet browser (recommended browser: Chrome versions from v.55, Firefox versions from v.50) and enter the pre-set
IP address to access the Web User Interface.
• Follow the step-by-step commissioning wizard to complete the commission of the inverter.
After the settings are confirmed, the inverter restarts.
From the moment the grid standard is selected, there will be 24 hours available to make any changes to the grid
standard; after this, the “Country Select” feature is blocked and you can make further changes only by resetting
the remaining-time timer.
For further information regarding the commissioning procedure via Web User Interface, please refer to the product manual.
• After the commissioning via Web User Interface is completed, the inverter changes the behaviour of the “Power” and “Alarm”
, in relation of the input voltage value:
Input voltage
LED Status
Vin < Vstart
Power = Flashing
Alarm = OFF
The input voltage is not sufficient to enable connection to the grid.
Vin > Vstart
Power = Flashing
Alarm = ON
The input voltage is sufficient to enable connection to the grid: the inverter waits for the
grid voltage to be present to make the connection to the grid.
• Close the AC switch downstream of the inverter (and AC disconnect switch
for the -SX2 wiring box version).
• When the input voltage is sufficient to allow the connection to the grid, the inverter will check the grid voltage, measure the isola-
tion resistance of the photovoltaic field with respect to earth and performs other auto-diagnostic checks. During the preliminary
checks on the parallel connection with the grid, the “Power” LED keeps flashing, the “Alarm” and “GFI” LEDs are OFF. The inverter
will ONLY connect to the grid if all parameters fall within the ranges foreseen by current regulations.
• If the outcome of the preliminary checks to grid synchronization are positive, the inverter connects and starts to export power to
the grid. The “Power” LED remains fixed on while the “Alarm” and “GFI” LEDs are OFF.
For more details about commissioning and any other functionalities of the Installer for Solar Inverters mobile APP please contact
ABB customer support. For any other specific settings of parameters of single inverters please refer to “Description of the Web
User Interface” chapter on the product manual.
According to CEC requirements the inverter display measured net generated energy and measured instantaneous power using a remote
device like a smartphone, tablet or PC. Access it by connection to the inverter internal Webserver (please see the beginning of this pa-
ragraph on how to access to the internal webserver). In addition it is possible to use the mobile App ‘ABB ability Energy Viewer for solar
plants’ and the ABB Web portal Aurora Vision (please refer to product manual for further details) to monitor all production data.
Arc fault detection
The Arc Fault Circuit Protection required by NFPA 70 Article 690.11 is provided by the inverter.
The AFD performs a self-test when the system is started:
• If the self-test results are OK, the inverter will continue to AC grid connection.
• If a potential problem on the AFD board is detected, the self test will result in error E053.
During normal operation the input current is continually measured and analyzed. If a DC arc fault is detected during operation, the
inverter disconnects from AC grid and generates an E050 error code (readable through internal Webserver).
Based on the above conditions, the Leds behaviour is described in the table below:
Arc Fault pending
Self Test Failed
Blinking (200ms period)
Press and hold the AFD reset button
on the right side of the DC wiring box for 3 seconds. This will clear the E050 error and re-
start the self test. If self-test results are OK, the inverter will reconnect to the AC grid; if the DC arc fault is still present, the inverter
will result in error E050.
Refer to the product manual (downloadable on www.abb.com/solarinverters) for troubleshooting suggestions.
The AFD self-test can be manually started anytime using the following procedure:
• 1. Turn off the inverter (switching off both DC and AC switches),
• 2. Turn on both the DC and AC switches and wait for self-test result.
If the AFD trips frequently, it means arcs are occurring. Turn the inverter OFF and request service to do complete check of the sys-
tem wiring, including all connections and junction boxes, to locate the problem.