Grid output connection (AC side)
To avoid risks of electrical shock, all wiring operations must be carried out with the disconnect switch down-
stream of the inverter (grid side) opened and applying LOTO procedure on it. Be careful not to change round one of
the phases with neutral!
Caution! Connect the ground before starting the grid connections.
Keep the resistance of the wires to a minimum between the OCPD and the AC terminals, to ensure the correct work
of the protective devices.
Size conductors per NEC Article 310 - use 90°C wire only; conductors must be sized according to operating temper-
ature range and continuous current ratings.
AC output wire must be UL listed wire rated minimum 1000V.
The inverter must be connected to a three-phase TN system with the center of the star connected to ground. To connect the in-
verter to the grid it is necessary to use a three-wire connection (3 phases) without neutral cable.
• Routing of the AC cables inside the inverter must be carried out through the AC opening
(size 3 in conduit)
on the right side of the inverter.
Use UL Listed reduction washers in case of smaller conduit used to maintain
Type 4 enclosure integrity.
• Open the wiring box front cover
• Remove the AC protective shield
by removing the M5 screw.
• Pass the protective earth cable through the AC opening (size 3" conduit)
on the AC panel.
• Attach the protective earth cable lug to the protection earth connection point
the washers and bolt pre-installed on the M10 stud:
1 = toothed washer
2 = cable lug
3 = toothed washer
4 = M10 nut
2 3
• Torque to 21Nm (15.5ft-lb).
Before connecting the inverter to AC sources use a suitable multimeter to test the conductivity of the earth connections
between the protection earth connection point (55) and a handles thread (04) on the housing of power module (01).
• Pass the AC cables trought the AC opening (size 3 in conduit)
on the AC panel.
The length of phase cables on the internal side of wiring box needs to be about
300mm / 12" (cable lug included).
Attach the R, S and T (phase R=L1, S=L2 and T=L3) cable lugs to the AC connection
, paying attention to the correspondence of the phases with the
labels, using the washers and the M10 nuts pre-installed on the busbar:
1 = cable lug
2 = flat washer
3 = spring washer
4 = M10 nut
1 2
3 4
• Torque to 14Nm (10.3ft-lb).
In case of a wrong phase sequence the inverter will not connect to the grid and it will provide an error state.
• Give each wire a pull test to confirm the connection is secure.
• Conduit must be attached using EMT rain tight fittings to maintain Type 4 enclosure integrity.
300mm / 12”