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7 - Operation
Once the inverter is associated with a wireless network,
the user must switch the tablet/smartphone/PC to the
same wireless network which the inverter is connected.
Once the tablet/smartphone/PC device is switched to the
local wireless network a new message will confirm that the
connection is acquired.
Click the “Next” button” to complete the setup of “Station
In order to use the “Host Name” as an alternative to the dynamic IP address, the Wireless
router to which the board is connected (when operating in “Station Mode”) must provide the
Domain Name System (DNS) service (contact the network administrator for further information
regarding the presence or absence of the DNS service in the Wireless router or how to enable
it). In this way, even if the IP address assigned to the inverter should change over time, (dyna-
mic IP), it will always be possible to use the same “Host Name” which will remain unchanged
over time.
The IP address assigned may vary for reasons connected to the wireless home router setup
(for example, a very brief DHCP lease time). If verification of the address is required, it is
usually possible to obtain the client list (and the corresponding IP addresses) from the wire-
less router administration panel.