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7 - Operation
ommissioning via ABB Installer for Solar Inverters mobile APP
ABB Installer for Solar Inverters APP is the new advanced ABB mobi-
le APP which simplifies the commissioning of large scale solar plants
thanks to the capability to set parameters of multiple inverters simulta-
Even in case of single inverter installation it can be considered the most
suitable tool to be used.
ABB Installer for Solar Inverters APP is available for Android mobile de-
vices with an Android version of 6.0.1 or greater (for iOS mobile devices
will be implemented soon) and could be downloaded and installed from
Play Store.
The requirements to complete the procedures are listed below:
- ABB Installer for Solar Inverters APP installed on mobile device.
- Enabled installer account for ABB Installer for Solar Inverters APP
The account could be created in the mobile app directly following the
dedicated wizard procedure.
- Manual claiming of the inverters to be commissioned.
The claiming process consist of indicating which inverters are to be com-
Claiming process can be performed by taking pictures of the QR codes
of single inverter units (printed on the Communication identification label)
(recommended); manual insertion of the MAC address and related pro-
duct keys of all the inverters that shall be commissioned; scanning and
selecting of SSIDs associated to the Wi-Fi networks generated by each
inverter to commission.
• Close the DC disconnect switches
to supply the inverter with input
voltage from the photovoltaic generator.
Make sure irradiation is stable and adequate for the inverter commissioning procedure to be
• Perform the installation wizard steps enabling the transfering the set-
tings to all the claimed inverters.
For more details about the procedure for commissioning with the ABB Installer for Solar In-
verters APP refer to dedicated documentation on the ABB solar website.
For any other specific settings of parameters of single inverters please refer to “Description of
the Web User Interface” chapter.