Aavara AV Master Web Interface
Aavara AV Master Web interface, built-in in every Aavara HDMI Over IP unit, is a one web page setup
and control entire HDMI Over IP AV Matrix and Video Wall. It will only need to configure and operate Aavara
AV Master Web Interface on One unit then that unit will become master control unit of entire system, usually
recommend to use first sender, then all rest of units just take order.
To Connect Aavara AV Master Web Interface via PC/Tablet connect to same ethernet Switch/Wifi AP
with following IP setting:
- IP address: any no conflict IP within same C or D class IP range with all senders and receivers.
- Netmask: or value base network configuration that allow all unites can see each other.
Factory default IP range is 169.254.xxx.xxx netmask
- Web browser: recommend Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari
Launch Web browser with following URL (domain name of sender at channel 0, default sender setting):
User Login
Every time launch web browser and Aavara AV Master Web page will ask user to login.
System Default Login name and Password (Can be revised or delete later on at User Management Tab)
with Administrator authorization.
Login name:
After Login, on right top corner will show Login User info and Logout button.