User Management
User Management Tab
Add User
Press Add User button to add more user info.
3 User Status:
1. Active this user can login and use.
2. Suspend this user can’t login and use, but user info will keep in system.
3. Delete Delete this user, and user info will erase.
User ID
Every User need to assign a ID, no duplicate.
Login Name
Use for login, English and number letters only.
User Name
Use for identify user. Can use English, German, French, Latin, Chinese, Japanese, _
User Password, English & number only.
Once real password input and updated, it will not show on web again.
Every time User Management table refresh, it will show “no_Change_Here”.
As long as “no_Change_Here” not change, password will not change.
Two User Authorization:
- Administrator can access all operation and setup functions.
- Operator can access all operation functions only.
Notice! If many senders and receivers installed, once click Apply button, user info updating will take some
time, please wait for user info update completed.