IP Setting, Web Configuration & Control
To Know IP address of Aavara HDMI Over IP Sender and Receiver
Aavara HDMI Over IP sender and receiver got factory default IP within 169.254.xxx.xxx C class range, and
netmask, IP address of each HDMI Over IP unit can be found by following way:
Unit IP Show On Screen OSD:
1. To set up a sender connect to a receiver by Cat5e cables (can be with or without Ethernet switch in
2. receiver connect to a TV or Display with a HDMI cable.
3. Power on Sender, Receiver and TV/Display.
4. On right bottom of screen, it will show:
- Local IP Receiver IP address
- Remote IP Sender IP address
5. Then, please connect the sender to a PC/Notebook RJ45 port with a Cat5e cable. And, power on.
6. To set PC/Notebook RJ45 port IP confguration as follow:
- IP address: (or any IP within 169.254.xxx.xxx range)
- Netmask:
Finding unit and IP in Bonjour Browser
Software Required:
Apple Bonjour SDK
free download from Appple SDK web site, if you are using MS windows OS
PC/NB. Apple MacPro or MacBook which don't need it, had built-in OS X.
- can download from Apple developer web site
Bonjour Browser
for easy fnd out all senders and receivers on network.
- Just google and download from Internet
1. To set PC/Notebook RJ45 port IP confguration as follow:
- IP address: (or any IP within 169.254.xxx.xxx range)
- Netmask:
2. Setup all Cat5e cable connection between PC/Notebook, sender, receiver and Ethernet switch, then
power on.
3. [optional] Install Apple Bonjour SDK on your MS Windows PC/Notebook.
4. Launch Bonjour Browser and check HTTP service section. All Aavara HDMI Over IP sender and
receiver can be found at following domain name:
- Sender
Aavara-gateway0000.local 0000 represent video channel number
- Receiver
Aavara-clientAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA represent MAC address of
Launch AV Master Control Web page
http://[unit ip]/cfg.html Unit confguration web page (needed only when you want to change unit IP)
http://[unit ip]/index.html Aavara AV Master /Control web page