Change IP address of Sender and Receiver
Aavara HDMI Over IP sender and receiver got factory default IP within 169.254.xxx.xxx C class range, and
netmask Recommend to set static IP to each box. IP address of each HDMI Over IP unit can be
changed by following way:
1. Launch Web browser with following URL, the Unit Web page will show:
http://[unit ip]/cfg.html
3. Change IP Mode to Static
- IP Address: Please assign a IP with correct format. (Ensure unites’ IP are at C or D class range).
- Subnet Mask: or base on proper ethernet network planning.
Default Gateway
: Only if need, please refer gateway setting on Router.
4. Click Apply Button to save new setting, but unit need to reboot to get new setting effect.
5. Click System Tab → Utilities → Click Reboot button, reboot.