3: C
values. For example, if you want to use the delimiter
, you must
type the following hex values:
0x34 0x31 0x33 0x37 0x35
If you are unsure of the hex value for your delimiter character, consult
the Web page
for reference.
Configuring the Serial
Telnet Client
Telnet is a method to connect and remotely log-in to a host computer or
network device. The host computer or device must be running a telnet
server for this service to be available. Once the telnet session is
established from the Bridge, any data received on the serial port of the
Bridge is sent to the telnet host. At the same time, any data returned
from the host is sent to the serial port on the Bridge. Typically, the serial
port of the Bridge is connected to a serial terminal or a computer that is
running terminal emulation software.
To configure the serial telnet client, you must select one of the following
telnet connection methods:
Wait for Keystroke – This method establishes a connection to a
specific telnet host when you press a key on the telnet terminal
window. When the telnet connection is closed, the Bridge will wait for
a keystroke before reconnecting.
If you select the Wait for Keystroke method, you also need to
configure the following:
Connect to IP - Type the IP address of the telnet host to which you
want to connect
Connect to Port - Type the telnet port number
Command Prompt - This method provides a “telnet prompt” to the
serial terminal. From the telnet prompt, you can start a telnet session
to any computer or device that is accessible on the network and is
capable of accepting telnet connections.
To establish a telnet connection, type the command “open” followed by
the IP address of the host computer or device. The IP address may
optionally be followed by the TCP port number on which to open the
connection. If the port number is omitted, the default telnet port number
of 23 is used.