Setting a Unit ID for a Switch
FTM will automatically number the switches to constitute an XRN fabric by default, so that each switch
has a unique unit ID in the fabric. You can use the command in the following table to set unit IDs for
switches. Make sure to set different unit IDs for different switches in an XRN fabric. Otherwise, FTM will
automatically number the switches with the same unit ID.
Follow these steps to set a unit ID for a switch:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Set a unit ID for the switch
change self-unit to
unit-id |
By default, the unit ID of a
switch that belongs to no XRN
fabric is 1. The unit ID of a
switch belonging to an XRN
fabric is assigned by FTM. Unit
ID ranges from 1 to 8.
If you do not configure the fabric port, you cannot change the unit ID of the local switch.
After an XRN fabric is established, you can use the following command to change the unit IDs of the
switches in the XRN fabric.
Follow these steps to set a unit ID to a new value:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Set a unit ID to a new value
change unit-id unit-id1 to
unit-id2 | auto-numbering
Unit IDs in an XRN fabric are not always arranged in order of 1 to 8.
Unit IDs of an XRN fabric can be inconsecutive.
After you change the unit ID of switches, the following operations are performed.
If the modified unit ID does not exist in the XRN fabric, the system sets its priority to 5 and saves it
in the unit Flash memory.
If the modified unit ID is an existing one, the system prompts you to confirm if you really want to
change the unit ID. If you choose to change it, the existing unit ID is replaced and the priority is set
to 5. Then you can use the
fabric save-unit-id
command to save the modified unit ID into the unit
Flash memory and clear the information about the existing one.