Cleaning – general inspection
The electric actuators should be kept clean and care should be taken to prevent their clogging by impurities and
dust. Cleaning should be carried out regularly and as often as required by operating conditions. Surface temperature
of the actuator 80 °C
should be determined without a dust layer. General inspection of the electric actuator is
recommended to be carried out once a year unless otherwise stated in revision regulations of electric devices.
Checking the parts of non-explosive closure
The parts of the electric actuator forming the solid closure are inspected for possible ruptures or other damages
(attacked by corrosion, abrades etc.).
With the electric actuator disconnected, sealing rings of cable outlets should be
inspected. Material of the sealing rings undergoes ageing and its hardness increases. Therefore, after 3 years they
should be replaced during the reassembly. Defective parts of the closure must not be used again during assembly
of the electric actuator.
In all relevant repairs of the non-explosive closure which effect its safety it is recommended to have the electric
actuator ex repaired at the manufacturer who can, on the basis of approved documentation and prescribed tests, put
the closure into a state corresponding to ČSN EN 60079-0 and ČSN EN 60079-1.