Customizing Your Phone
To configure the DHCP Option 100 via Web interface:
1. Log into the webpage (default username: admin, password: admin)
Setting→ Date & Time→ DHCP Option 100
3. Select Yes for the DHCP Option 100
4. Click
to save the configuration.
To configure the NTP Server via Web interface
1. Log into the webpage (default username: admin, password: admin)
Setting→ Date & Time→ NTP Server
3. Fill in the value in the blank.
4. Click
to save the configuration.
To change the Time Zone and Date Display Format via Web interface
Setting→ Date & Time
2. Select the necessary one.
3. Click
to save the configuration.
To change the SIP Date Override Time via Web interface
Setting→ Date & Time→ SIP Date Override Time
2. Select Yes or No for SIP Date Override Time.
3. Click
to save the configuration.