To configure DHCP via Phone interface:
1. T
ap Settings→Advanced(password: admin)→Network→ WAN Port→ IP Port
Mode→IPv4→ DHCP mode
or Menu
→Settings→Advanced(password: admin)→Network→ WAN Port→ IP Port
Mode→IPv4→ DHCP mode.
2. Click Save and the pop-up box shows "System will reboot, Are you sure?".
To configure a static IP address via Phone interface:
1. T
ap Settings→Advanced(password: admin)→Network→ WAN Port→ IP Port
Mode→IPv4→ static mode
or Menu
→Settings→Advanced(password: admin)→Network→ WAN Port→ IP Port
Mode→IPv4→ static mode.
2. Enter the parameters: IP, Netmask, Gateway, Pri.DNS (primary DNS), Sec.DNS
(second DNS) in the corresponding fields.
3. Click Save and the pop-up box shows "System will reboot, Are you sure?".
4. Tap OK to accept the change or the Cancel button to cancel.
To configure Network via Web interface:
Click Network→ Basic→ IPv4 Setting
2. Select the desired Type: DHCP or Static IP Address.
3. Fill in the necessary information.
4. Click
and the pop-up box shows "System will reboot, Are you sure?".