Measuring boom tube distance above flat bench.
Tub sleeves sanded flush with tub side.
Clamp the doublers in place
and measure the ends of the tubes.
Both sides of the tubes should be the
same distance from the bench.
If not, loosen the clamps and adjust the
doublers until they are.
If the doublers or holes now have to be
sanded to fit, you must sand them and
repeat the measuring process.
This is a critical step in the assembly,
and if done incorrectly, your hull will
never handle properly.
When you are happy with the height of
the tubes above the bench, check to see
that the tubes are square front to back
with the boom square provided in the kit.
When you have checked and double
checked that the boom tubes are
straight and square to the world, remove
the clamps, but leave everything in
Mix up some 30 minute epoxy, and coat
the doublers where they will be in
contact with the tub sides and bottom.
Align the rails and clamp in place.
Quickly check your measurements and
square several times, and make any tiny
adjustments before the epoxy starts to
Use any excess epoxy to build a small
fillet around the sleeves and doublers.
Clamp in place.
Set aside for at least 3 hours.
Repeat for the front boom tubes. Be
sure everything is perfect before you
walk away…
Once everything has cured, sand the
brass tub sleeves flush with the tub